Alva Johnson Donald Trump’s Former Staffer

Alva Johnson

Alva Johnson is the first woman to come forward in accusing Donald Trump of sexual misconduct -since he’s been president.

Alva says she has been encouraged by the Me Too movement and since unable to put the incident behind her, decided to speak and hold the president accountable. She filed the lawsuit in Florida.

Before joining the Trump campaign in 2016, she had been working in her home state of Alabama organizing rallies and doing outreach in the black community.


For the last three months, before general election she was assigned to Florida. One of her responsibilities there included managing the recreational vehicles which served as global campaign offices. It was around this time that the incident took place –when Trump paid a visit to Florida and got inside of one of the RV’s. Alva who stayed in the back took pictures of Trump and supporters but according to her lawsuit as Trump was leaving the RV he passed her, took her hand and went in for a kiss.

Alva Johnson

According to her lawyer, Johnson who was wearing a baseball cap moved her head but still, Trump was able to plant a kiss on the corner of her mouth. Alva had said to Trump ‘Mr. Trump I’ve been working very hard for you” to what Trump replied ‘I know you’ve been working very hard for me, I won’t forget you’ –as he went in for the smooch.

According to her lawsuit, there were two witnesses to the incident –however they all deny it.

Alva Johnson said she called her parents and her boyfriend the day of the incident but she tried to put it behind her and continued to work on the campaign. Six weeks later the Hollywood Access video came out where Trump can be heard saying ‘I’m automatically attracted to beautiful women. I just start kissing them, it’s like a magnet’

She told people close to her this was exactly what had happened to her in Florida and realized this was part of Trump’s behavior. Since then multiple women have accused Trump of forcibly kissing them or groping.

Alva quit the campaign and began seeing a therapist, according to the therapist notes she’s been having nightmares and it also makes a reference of an event that’s hunting her. The notes have been included in the suit.

Alva Mahaffey Johnson, works as an event planner in Alabama. She runs her own company, Amjohnson Consulting and Heaven on Earth LLC. According to a 2009 profile, she worked training personal assistants for celebrities such as Vera Wang and The Dave Matthews Band.

She holds a degree in mass communication and media studies from UAB. While working with Trump she served as Director of Outreach & Coalitions for the GOP Primary.