Devar Hurd- Singer Ashanti’s Crazy Stalker

Philip Seymour Hoffman 6 - Devar Hurd- Singer Ashanti's Crazy Stalker

Back in trouble! Is 35-year-old Devar Hurd for violating orders of protection! The man who was first convicted on 2009 for sending pictures of his crotch to R&B singer Ashanti, insisted the tweets that prompted his latest arrest were harmless! …

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Who is William ‘Bunny Rugs’ Clarke’s wife?

Philip Seymour Hoffman 8 - Who is William 'Bunny Rugs' Clarke's wife?

A sad moment for the music industry all over the world and specially for reggae. Former Lead Singer of Third World Band & solo Entertainer, William Clarke better known as Bunny Rugs died in Orlando, Florida, on Sunday. Jamaica’s reggae …

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Gordy Hoffman- Philip Seymour Hoffman’s Brother

Philip Seymour Hoffman 10 - Gordy Hoffman- Philip Seymour Hoffman's Brother

  Born October 19, 1964; Gordon Richard Hoffman-Gordy Hoffman- is the older brother of late Hollywood actor Philip Hoffman. Unlike his famous younger brother, Gordon grew up to be behind the scenes; a screenwriter, director and producer. He is the …

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