Brooke Biederman: Miami Nightlifelife King Michael Capponi’s Girlfriend

Michael Capponi Brooke Biederman

Michael Capponi has been dubbed The Godfather of Miami and Miami’s Nightlife King, he and girlfriend Brooke Biederman were involved in a bat accident that send him o the hospital with multiple fractures, Brooke suffered head injuries, she is in ICU.

42-year-old Michael Capponi is mostly know for helping built nightlife in Miami, but also for his tremendous humanitarian work, especially in Haiti, in 2011 he founded the Haiti Empowerment Mission, created to help Haitians with jobs, training, and education.

Brooke Biederman Bio

38-year-old Brooke Wilson Biederman is one of the two children born to Dan Biederman and his wife Susan, Brooke has one older brother Robert. Dan Biederman is the co-founder оf Grand Central Partnership, 34th Street Partnership, аnd Bryant Park Corporation, thrее Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) operating in midtown Manhattan, his wife is a renowned fine arts attorney.

Brooke graduated in 2014 from Princeton University, where she was part of the track & field team. In 2009 she was an intern at the Robert Lehman Collection and Nolen Library a the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

In 2012, Brooke worked as an assistant  to the executive producer, LULLABY feature film; in 2013 was an intern at HBO.

Brooke Biederman and Mr. Capponi have been dating since June, 2014. We pray for their speedy recovery.

Photos: Michael Capponi’s Instagram