Porter Fischer Whistleblower in Baseball Biogenesis Drug Clinic Scandal.


Porter Fischer is a name you will be hearing more and more as the Biogenesis drug scandal unfolds. He is a former investor in Biogenesis and clearly someone with access to all the inside information; it was precisely him who released records showing that top professional athletes, mainly baseball players, were obtaining banned performance enhancing drugs from the South Florida clinic.

Fischer used to work at Coral Gables anti-aging clinic; he later shared the medical records, patient spreadsheets, and handwritten composition books with Miami New Times! Why would he do such thing?? Fischer’s motives were simple. He believed he’d been cheated by the clinic’s owner, Tony Bosch, who the records indicated had sold performance-enhancing drugs to players including New York Yankees superstar Alex Rodriguez.

The muscular 48-year-old from Pinecrest, FL; provided the records on the basis of anonymity this past January but decided to reveal his identity now in the hope the real miscreants will be punished. He is the most important whistleblower in baseball history! So probably he is being hated by major players in all sports right about now.

Fischer was born in 1964 and grew up in a small house with his mom, Ann Marie Porter in Coral Gables, FL. His mother Mrs. Porter is a member of a storied South Florida family. Her great-grandfather, Dr. Joseph Yates Porter, is among Florida’s most famous medical professionals. Yates’ research around the turn of the 20th Century. Porter’s father is ROTC officer and helicopter pilot named Gary Fischer, he also has a sister named Suzanne.

His parents filed for divorce soon after his senior year at Christopher Columbus High School. Days after graduating, Fischer packed his bags and moved to Tallahassee, where he enrolled at Florida State University. He worked a manager at Ruby Tuesday and paying his own way to an art degree.

After graduation he lead a disordered lifestyle and started worrying about his health and in early 2010, he stopped by a Boca Tanning Club location in South Miami. Fischer had made friends with the staff. He recalls:

“I wanted to be the manager there,”  “I was thinking, How do I get the edge back? How do I get my looks back, my income back?

That’s when a new section opened in the salon: Boca Body.

“They told me they were doing HCG,” Fischer says. “I asked, ‘What’s that?’ and they said, ‘Oh, it helps you lose weight.'” (HCG, in fact, is a hormone, which the FDA has prohibited from over-the-counter sales.)

And that is how slowly but surely  he ended up being a guinea pig for Tony Bosh and later decided to invest $4,000 of his own pocket in the Biogenesis business. Porter Fischer then took records from Biogenesis after the clinic’s owner, Tony Bosch, failed to repay him $4,000.

Do you think Porter made the right call on giving out those records as if they where candies??? We’ll see now he is being represented by major powerhouse Florida attorney Ray Rafool.