Georgia Connick – Harry Connick Jr’s Daughter

Meet Georgia Connick

Georgia Connick’s famous last name gives it away, yes she is the daughter of singer/ actor Harry Connick Jr. And as much as we would like to tell you good news about her, the 19-year-old has been arrested!

Reports say, Georgia was charged with providing alcohol to minors during a party, she was arrested in New Canaan, Connecticut; where she lives with her family.

Georgia is the oldest child of Harry and and former supermodel wife, Jill Goodacre; she was born Georgia Tatum Connick in April 17, 1996. Georgia has two sisters Sarah Kate, 17, and Charlotte, 12. Her parents have been married since 1994.

Georgia’s dad has sold over 28 million albums worldwide while her mother was was one of Victoria’s Secret’s main models in the 1980s and early 1990s.

Her grandfather Harry Connick Sr., was the district attorney of Orleans Parish from 1973–2003.


Earlier this year, Harry gushed about his oldest child during the Ellen Show when he said how proud he was of her. Georgia graduated this past June from New Canaan High School –where she took courses including Digital Photography, Algebra and Biology.

The pretty blonde who’s clearly inherited the looks of her mom, was an honor student, according to New Canaanite.

According to her LinkedIn, she is a Pool Attendant at Chatham Bars Inn. The Vermont Academy student is interested in Psychology, Filmmaking and Religion according to her profile.

In her defense, Georgia was drinking at her home and looks way over her age, but the thing is her parents were away and reports say someone called to report underage drinking, she allegedly told police it was supposed to be a small gathering. The lovely teen is due back in court next month, what a bummer!

Since the incident, Georgia has deleted her social media accounts but you can still see some of her photos here.