Rowen Altenburger- 18-year-old NYU Student Found Dead in Bryant Park Hotel

Rowen Altenburger NYU student dead Bryant Hotel-bio

Rowen Altenburger was a beautiful ,joyful 18-year-old student at NYU, she was loved by her parents, sisters, and her entire family, why was Rowen suffering from depression, and most importantly why did she took her own life? Where there any signs? Did she look for help, did she talk to anyone about how was she feeling?

Rowen Altenburger NYU student dead Bryant Hotel

18-year-old Rowen Altenburger was born in September, 1995 the oldest daughter of Mr. Eric Altenburger and Mrs. Liz Barrett, Rowen one younger sister, Ava, 16. They live in Short Hills, New Jersey

Rowen’s father Eric Tage Altenburger, 47 graduated from the University of Delaware, a passionate photographer and musician who is also the co-owner of Deserted Designs in NY along with his wife of 21 years Elizabeth A. Barrett also 47 and also an University of Delaware graduate.

Rowen Altenburger NYU student dead Bryant Hotel-picture

It is unknown for us what was Rowen Altenburger doing at the Bryant Hotel on West 40th Street, but she was supposed to check out on Monday, when she didn’t  her mom called the hotel.

Rowen Altenburger was found inside her room, with a plastic bag over her head, next to her a suicide note explaining that she had been suffering from depression.

Bleeding Eye Rowen Altenburgerreach Rowen Altenburger

Rowen Altenburger live fast die young

Rowen posted her paintings, poems and stories  at Rowen was currently a student at NYU pursuing a degree in Creative Management and Art Direction.

She was awarded with the Gold Key Art Award last January, in 2011 Rowen worked as a seasonal sales associate at Vineyard Vines, and was a Advertising and Sales Intern at Orit London, most recently she was a sales associate at Links of London.

You can see more of her work at her website here.

Rowen Altenburger’s Facebook is here.