Mariah Carey’s Personal Assistant Lianna Azarian

Lianna Azarian

Lianna Azarian is the woman who is being sued by singer songwriter, Mariah Carey.

According to reports, Mariah claims Azarian tried to blackmail her over embarrassing videos. Lianna and Carey’s relationship began when the R&B; pop; hip hop; soul artist hired her to be her personal assistant a few years ago.

Lianna Azarian

Azarian allegedly filmed a number of embarrassing and intimate videos of the 48-year-old star without her knowledge and consent and later tried to extort her. According to Carey, she feels extremely betrayed after being secretly recorded by Azarian doing ‘personal activities’

Carey says her former PA, later threatened with releasing the vids unless the singer/songwriter agreed to pay up $8 million. Carey says in the docs Azarian showed some of the videos to friends saying she would sell them if she was ever fired. And that’s exactly what happened, Azarian ended up being fired in late 2017, and that’s when the blackmail began. It is not known what’s exactly in the videos, however its contents it’s bad enough that Carey is suing her for over three million.

Lianna Azarian began working with Carey back in 2015, her official title was, executive assistant, earning over $300,000 a year. Carey not only accuses Azarian of secretly taping her; in the lawsuit, the songstress also says soon after hiring her, Lianna took her credit card to buy personal stuff. The PA also claimed to retailers she was buying things for Mariah, trading the singer’s name to get huge discounts.