Nicole Oulson- Movie Theater Shooting Victim Chad Oulson’s Wife

Chad Oulson wife Nicole Oulson

Chad Oulson was shot an killed while he and his wife were watching the Lone Survivor at a Movie theater in Tampa, Florida. The person who killed him ex-cop Curtis Reeves shot him because Mr. Oulson was texting his daughter’s nanny.

Curtis Reeves Chad Oulson

Curtis Reeves

71-year-old Curtis Reeves said he feared Chad Oulson would attacked him after he became upset Mr. texting during the movie previews, so he  pulled his  .380 semi-automatic handgun and shot Chad, his wife Nicole was wounded in the hand after she tried to protect her husband, both were rushed to the hospital where Chad was pronounced dead and Nicole was treated for injuries. Curtis Reeves has been charged with second-degree murder and is being held without bond. Chad Oulson , 43, leaves behind his wife Nicole and their little daughter Lexi.

Nicole Oulson Chad Oulson wife photoNicole Oulson Chad Oulson wife picture

33-year-old Nicole Andrea Oulson from St. Augustine, Florida, graduated from St. Augustine High School, and then attended at Flagler College, she worked at The United Services Automobile Association (USAA). Nicole and Chad Oulson got married on March 23, 2007.

He was born in Mount Sterling, Illinois, attended at St. John’s University and was working at Sky Powersports in Port Richey, Fl.