Landra Gould Reid – Harry Reid’s Wife

Landra Gould Reid

Landra Gould Reid Landra Gould Reid is the loving wife of Harry Reid, politician, аnd senior United States Senator frоm Nevada, hаving served ѕinсе 1987. A member оf thе Democratic Party, hе hаѕ served аѕ thе Senate Minority Leader ѕinсе …

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Angela Bundy – Ryan Bundy’s Wife

Angela Bundy - Ryan Bundy's Wife

Angela Bundy Angela Bundy is the wife of right-wing militant, Ryan Bundy. It’s good news for wife Angela after her hubby and others were acquitted on Thursday. As you may remember, Ryan led armed protesters to a federally owned wildlife …

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Callista Gingrich Newt Gingrich’s Wife

Callista Gingrich Newt Gingrich's Wife

Callista Gingrich Callista Gingrich is the wife of former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich. Her husband is reported to be on Donald Trump’s vice presidential short list, as a result Fox News has cut ties with the politician. Trump …

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Brad Armstrong Star Jessica Drake’s Husband

Brad Armstrong Porn Star Jessica Drake’s Husband

Brad Armstrong Brad Armstrong is a Canadian **** director and also the husband of **** actress, Jessica Drake. His wife recently joined the list of women accusing Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump of assault. According to reports, The Donald kissed …

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Heather Bone is Ken Bone’s Wife

Heather Bone is Ken Bone's Wife

Heather Bone Heather Bone is the wife of Ken Bone, the guy who has gained notoriety in the past few weeks following his funny appearance at the second presidential debate. Bone from St. Louis, MO; is just an average and …

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Vanessa Kerry John Kerry’s daughter

Vanessa Kerry John Kerry's daughter

Vanessa Kerry Vanessa Kerry is the daughter of politician and current US Secretary of State, John Kerry. We are used to read about her father all the time but 39-year-old Vanessa Kerry is the one making headlines this time. The …

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Sonya Gelman Peres Israel’ Shimon Peres’ Wife

John McMahon 1 - Sonya Gelman Peres Israel' Shimon Peres' Wife

Sonya Gelman Peres Sonya Gelman Peres was the wife of former Israeli President Shimon Peres. She is the mother of Peres’ three children Yoni Peres, Nehemia Peres,Tsvia Valdan. Mrs. Gelman Peres passed away in 2011. Check these ten facts about her …

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Cari Tuna Dustin Moskovitz’ Wife

Cari Tuna Dustin Moskovitz' Wife

Cari Tuna Cari Tuna is the wife of Facebook co-founder, Dustin Moskovitz. Her hubby is giving away money to politics! Recent reports say the young Silicon Valley entrepreneur is donating $20 million of his fortune to Democratic coffers, including those …

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Kate Prusack Libertarian Gary Johnson’s Partner

Kate Prusack Libertarian Gary Johnson's Partner

Kate Prusack Kate Prusack is the ‘life partner’ of 2016 Libertarian Party presidential nominee, Gary Johnson. Her man, might not make a good US president after all. According to reports, Johnson doesn’t knot what ‘Aleppo’ is! The 63-year-old revealed a …

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Who is Anthony Weiner’s Latest Sexting Bombshell

Who is Anthony Weiner's Latest Sexting Bombshell

Anthony Weiner 51, latest sex scandal goes to show the man hasn’t learned anything in the past few years. The politician and former U.S. Representative, served New York’s 9th congressional district from January 1999 until June 2011, after his first …

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Elizabeth Braden Foster Vince Foster’s Wife

Elizabeth lisa braden foster

Elizabeth Braden Foster Elizabeth Braden Foster is the wife of Vince Foster, former Deputy White House Counsel during President Bill Clinton’s term. Mr. Foster who was a colleague and a colleague of Hillary Clinton was found dead In Fort Marcy …

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Ann LePage Gov. Paul LePage’s Wife

Ann LePage Gov. Paul LePage’s Wife

Ann LePage Ann LePage is the wife of Maine Republican Gov. Paul LePage. Her husband of 32-years went nuts and left a vicious voice message for Democratic Rep. Drew Gattine, in which he called him a c-ksucker and then later …

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Shelbi Thurau Scott Martella’s Girlfriend

Shelbi Thurau

Shelbi Thurau Shelbi Thurau was the girlfriend and soon-to-be wife of Scott Martella former aide of NY Governor Andrew Cuomo. Mr. Martella was among the people who died in a horrific Long Island Expressway crash on Sunday, August 21, 2016. …

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Saleha Mahmood Abedin : Huma Abedin’s Mother

Saleha Mahmood Abedin : Huma Abedin's Mother

Saleha Mahmood Abedin Saleha Mahmood Abedin is the mother of Hillary Clinton’s top aide, Huma Abedin. Abedin serves as Vice Chairwoman of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. Her daughter has worked her way up from a White House intern to …

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Vincent Bordini Donald Trump campaign staffer

Vincent Bordini Donald Trump campaign staffer

Vincent Bordini Vincent Bordini is the former Trump campaign staffer currently suing the campaign’s North Carolina state director and the Trump presidential campaign. Vincent Bordini of North Carolina says in his lawsuit Earl Phillip pointed a loaded gun at him …

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