Kathleen Trotter McMaster General H.R. McMaster’s wife

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Kathleen Trotter McMaster Kathleen Trotter McMaster is the lovely wife of Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster –who was named by President Trump, the new National Security Adviser. Kathleen’s husband was born Herbert Raymond McMaster on July 24, 1962. The Philadelphia, Pennsylvania …

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Alexander Acosta Top Facts about Labor Secretary Nominee

Kathleen Trotter McMaster 1 - Alexander Acosta Top Facts about Labor Secretary Nominee

Alexander Acosta Alexander Acosta has become President Trump’s new pick for labor secretary. If confirmed, Acosta will make history as the first Hispanic to join the president’s cabinet. The Miami native, might want to thank the president’s previous pick, Andrew …

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Lisa Fierstein/Lisa Henning Andy Puzder’s ex-wife

Kathleen Trotter McMaster 3 - Lisa Fierstein/Lisa Henning Andy Puzder's ex-wife

Lisa Fierstein/Lisa Henning Lisa Fierstein is the former Lisa Henning Puzder who was married for some time to current labor nominee, Andrew Puzder. Just in case you don’t know, Puzder has served as the president and CEO of CKE Restaurants …

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John Allen Newman Omarosa Manigault’s Husband

Kathleen Trotter McMaster 4 - John Allen Newman Omarosa Manigault's Husband

John Allen Newman John Allen Newman is the man who has Omarosa Manigault head over heals in-love. The pair reportedly got engaged last July and were married in April 2017. We all remember Omarosa becoming the villain in Trump’s reality …

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Kellyanne Conway’s Husband George T. Conway III

Kathleen Trotter McMaster 6 - Kellyanne Conway's Husband George T. Conway III

George T. Conway III George T. Conway III is the husband of political figure Kellyanne Conway whom you may know best as President Trump’s counselor, making her the highest-ranking woman in the White House. George’s wife was born Kellyanne Elizabeth …

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Enrique Peña Nieto’s Wives and Children

Kathleen Trotter McMaster 7 - Enrique Peña Nieto's Wives and Children

Enrique Peña Nieto Enrique Peña Nieto is the current president of Mexico. He was born July 20, 1966, in Atlacomulco, Mexico. The 50-year-old politician was elected president in 2012, having previously served as Mexico’s governor from 2005-2011. The son of …

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Who is Milo Yiannopoulos’ Boyfriend?

Kathleen Trotter McMaster 8 - Who is Milo Yiannopoulos' Boyfriend?

Milo Yiannopoulos Milo Yiannopoulos is a senior editor for Breitbart News and self described most fabulous supervillain on the internet. The U.K. native has also been hailed as a voice of the “alt-right” movement. As such, he has made a …

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Betty Price Rep. Tom Price’s Wife

Kathleen Trotter McMaster 9 - Betty Price Rep. Tom Price's Wife

Betty Price Betty Price is the long time wife of Congressman Tom Price, her husband is the representative from Georgia’s Sixth Congressional District and Chairman of the House Budget Committee. Betty’s husband was born Thomas Edmunds Price on October 8, 1954. …

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Thomas Homan 10 Facts About Acting ICE Director

Kathleen Trotter McMaster 10 - Thomas Homan 10 Facts About Acting ICE Director

Thomas Homan Thomas Homan has been appointed by president Trump as the new guy in charge of ICE –the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The 55-year-old will be replacing former Director Daniel Ragsdale. The announcement was made by the Department …

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Raisa Gorbacheva Mikhail Gorbachev’s Wife

Kathleen Trotter McMaster 12 - Raisa Gorbacheva Mikhail Gorbachev's Wife

Raisa Gorbacheva Raisa Gorbacheva was the long time wife of former Russian president, Mikhail Gorbachev –who’s known for leading the downfall of communism and the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991. Her husband was born Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev on …

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Lisa Pevaroff-Cohn Economic Advisor Gary Cohn’s Wife

Kathleen Trotter McMaster 14 - Lisa Pevaroff-Cohn Economic Advisor Gary Cohn's Wife

Lisa Pevaroff-Cohn Lisa Pevaroff-Cohn is the wife of Trump’s administration economic advisor, Gary Cohn. Her husband is best known as an investment banker for Goldman Sachs. Lisa’s husband was until recently, the president of the Wall Street firm. His departure …

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