Veronica Carrera Chaparro- Chilean girl sold her Baby on Facebook for $113


Veronica Carrera Chaparro a teen mother from Maipu, Chile was arrested after she sold her baby on Facebook for $113 with the help of her mother, sister and grandmother.

18-year-old Veronica Carrera Chaparro, said she found she was pregnant last February, she told her boyfriend, 17, and he made her promise him she would keep it a secret, but she couldn’t hold it for long and told her entire family. He then told Veronica’s family he would be responsible for the pregnancy expenses, birth and the child  after birth.

Her mom Angela Chaparro, 42 and her older sister Daniela Perez, 25 told her since she screw up her life, she had three options left, she could either sell it, abort it or give it up for adoption.

Veronica Carrera Chaparro decided she was going to sell the baby and the best was she came up with the selling was thru Facebook, where it immediately draw attention, the adoptive parents identified as Juan Carlos Pacheco Espinoza y Pamela Silva  from Puente Alto in Santiago gave Veronica 60.000 pesos ($113) and cover her medical expenses and $1.870 for the formal registration fees. The baby girl was born on November 4th.

When Veronica’s boyfriend asked her about the baby , she told him it had died at birth. But he didn’t buy her story and began to investigate what happened, eventually he found the truth and told the authorities in Chile who then proceed with the arrest of the three women.

Veronica Chaparrro Guererro who has now been released told authorities, her mom forced her to sell the baby.

“No volvería a hacer lo mismo, un hijo no se regala”, dijo la joven en conversación con Canal 13. En esa entrevista aseguró que “mi mamá me obligó a decir que mi guagua estaba muerta y que nos lleváramos ese secreto a la tumba”.

“I weld never do this again, you cannot give a away your child. My mother forced to say the baby was dead and that we would take this secret to our graves.”

Veronica’s mother Angela and sister Daniela could be sentenced to five years in prison, although the sentence could be less because they do not have any criminal record

“This is a serious matter. However, in our legislation is not considered a crime to offer to  give up   a newborn. There isn’t any punishment for such conduct , the reason why these women were arrested was for counterfeiting their marital status.

“As explained by the prosecutor, the women have no criminal record, they have been cooperating with the investigation,  and according to our law the penalty could be up to 541 days to 5 years in prison, but having no criminal record it  would be less.”

After being exposed the facts, the infant was given to the Family Court, which will define who will take care of it, because the prosecution has no power to determine.