Who is Sol Pais’ Boyfriend?

Sol Pais

Sol Pais is the young woman who is the subject of a massive hunt in Denver after she made threats to commit an act of violence.

According to FBI Sol Pais is extremely dangerous, the teen is said to have flown from her home in Florida specifically to commit an act of violence in the Denver metropolitan area. Furthermore, authorities say Pais bought a shotgun and ammunition in Littleton and disappeared into the foothills of Jefferson County.

The move comes just days before the 20th anniversary of the Columbine School Shooting that killed 13 people on April 20, 1999.

The search for Sol Pais has prompted many area schools to lock their door for several hours Tuesday and at least 140 Denver-area districts to cancel classes Wednesday.

Sol Pais

18-year-old Sol Pais is 5-foot-5 inches tall with brown hair, she is a senior at Miami Beach High School and lives with her parents in Surfside, Florida. They last saw her on Sunday and reported her missing on Monday.

Pais is described as being ‘infatuated’ with the Columbine school shooting and had gone as far as making undisclosed threats to area schools. The FBI didn’t disclose the nature of the threats, but sources say she is behind a site  with deranged journal entries. The disturbing site clearly shows an obsession with mortality and firearms, in it, Pais encourages readers to ‘be the best killer you can be’

The ABC station in Miami reported a man who identified as Pais’ father told the Miami news crew that the situation has “been a nightmare.” Her dad who is originally from Argentina and is described by neighbors as a musician added that his daughter might have a ‘mental problem’

Authorities said Pais was last seen near Columbine — in the Jefferson County foothills outside Denver — wearing a black T-shirt, camouflage pants and black boots. Is not clear whether Sol Pais is in a current relationship.