Ashley Fleetwood Star Wars Terminally ill Fan Daniel Fleetwood’s Wife

Meet Ashley Fleetwood

Ashley Fleetwood was married to Daniel Fleetwood. Her husband made history after becoming the first ‘Star Wars’ Fan to See ‘The Force Awakens.”

Ashley’s husband suffered from spindle cell sarcoma, a rare connective tissue cancer, and in July, his doctors gave him only two months to live.

Daniel requested Walt Disney Studios, permission to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens before its theatrical release on Dec. 18.

The hashtag #ForceForDaniel began to gain attention on social media, and was supported by the film’s stars John Boyega, Mark Hamill.

His last wish was to see “The Force Awakens,” and it was granted by Disney, Lucasfilm and director J.J. Abrams, who showed Fleetwood an unfinished cut of the film at his home last week.

Sadly just a few days later, Daniel has died at age 32.

This morning Ashley Fleetwood confirmed his death on Facebook:

Daniel put up an amazing fight to the very end. He is now one with God and with the force. He passed in his sleep and in peace. He will always be my idol and my hero. Please hug uncle Marc for me and give Lucy lots of kisses. Rest in peace my love. This was the last selfie we ever took together.‪#‎forcefordaniel‬”


Ashley and her husband were together for five-years. Two years-ago, her husband was diagnosed with cancer. 29-year-old Ashley created a GoFundMe page in which she said they were a young married couple who wanted kids but that was put on hold after they got Daniel’s diagnose.


Ashley is a teacher for the visually impaired and Daniel used to counsel the mentally impaired. She was forced to take a FMLA (unpaid leave) to help care for him.


Her husband died five days after watching The Force Awakens . He had said after watching the movie, he loved how it felt true to the original trilogy.

You can find Ashley on Twitter here. We send our condolences.