Lorraine Maradiaga Texas Woman Wanted for Spreading Coronavirus

Lorraine Maradiaga

Lorraine Maradiaga has been identified as the not very bright young woman who allegedly revealed on social media about willingly spreading the deadly coronavirus. God help us with the likes of Lorraine Maradiaga.

We get it, quarantine is not easy, a few days into it and it starts to really hit you, but craziness isn’t allowed specially when the whole world seems crazier than ever right now and people like Lorraine Maradiaga are not helping. Her selflessness, ignorant and terrorist practices, have not only put people in danger, but is also wasting authorities’ resources.
According to reports, Maradiaga is currently being sought by police in Texas after the teen wrote on social media about being infected whit Covid19 and even bragged about spreading the disease.

Lorraine Maradiaga is currently missing but is facing charges for terroristic threats, after saying on social media that she is willfully spreading coronavirus.

Carrollton Texas Police Department announced on their Facebook page

‘We have identified the woman seen on social media claiming to be COVID-19 positive and willfully spreading it as 18-year-old Lorraine Maradiaga of Carrollton. We are charging her with Terroristic Threat, Texas Penal Code 22.07.

The police department also said they have not located Maradiaga and asked the public for help in finding her.

Lorraine Maradiaga 1 - Lorraine Maradiaga Texas Woman Wanted for Spreading Coronavirus

Maradiaga claimed on Snapchat in a series of posts that she is “willfully spreading” the novel coronavirus, which causes the respiratory disease COVID-19. The 18-year-old can be seen at a drive-thru COVID-19 testing site, where a nurse tells her to go home and wait for her results. In following footage, she claims to be a Walmart, where she talks about purposely spreading the virus to other shoppers.
According to Texas outlets, she went onto say in the Snapchat video “I’m here at Walmart about to infest every (expletive), because if I’m going down, all you (expletive) are going down”

Lorraine Maradiaga also added “If you want to get the coronavirus and (expletive) die, call me,” “I’ll meet you up and (cough, cough) and I will shorten your life.”

The teen also made a reference about her parents telling her to stay home however, she made sure to let us know what she though about that, saying ‘Who the f**k are you to tell me to stay my a** home?’