May Seng Yang- Terrence Howard’s Ex-Girlfriend

Terrence Howard May Seng Yang

The Butler actor Terrence Howards has been accused of domestic violence not just buy his estranged wife Michelle Ghent, but also by his ex-girlfriend , both of them had revealed gruesome some of their injuries.

Howard’s wife Mrs. Ghent obtained a restraining order against him after she showed photos of the injuries she suffered by the hand of the actor, his ex-girlfriend May Seng Yang showed similar photos even thought she received the hush hush sum of $75.000 to sign a non-disclosure agreement about the incident that happened last year at Howard’s house in Philadelphia.

About that incident you probably remember that Seng Yang accused him of punching her and throwing out of his crib, she didn’t press any charged but he did against her, however these charges were later dropped and end of the story or at least that was what Howard hoped for.

Going back a bit further to 2005 when another woman from Philly claimed he punched her at a diner, he was charged with charged with simple assault and harassment, then these charges were withdrawn and he plead guilty to disorderly conduct.

Let’s go to September 17, 2001 when Howard was then married to his first wife Lori McCommas, according to this article here,  she too a victim of domestic violence, according to court and police records Lori had a heated argument with Terrence over the phone, he told her not to disrespect him by hanging up the phone on him or he would come to her house and hurt her, she then hung up and call 911.

In fact he showed up to her front door which broke and struck Lori in the face, thankfully his brother followed him after he saw Howard left his stormed out his house to Lori’s.

Howard admitted about the damage he did to the doors and hurting his ex wife..

“I broke the door down and hit my wife.”


Terrence Howard 2001domestic violence evidence

Terrence Howard 2001domestic violence mugshot'Terrence Howard 2001domestic violence police reportTerrence Howard 2001domestic violence police report pics
Terrence Howard 2001domestic violence police report picture
Terrence Howard 2001domestic violence police report pic

He was charged with simple assault, terroristic threats, harassment and stalking. He subsequently pleaded guilty in 2002 to disorderly conduct.

And now we are back to May Seng Yang, last year she alleges the actor choked her, pushed her to the ground and punched her, however he wasn’t arrested, she was, and this is what she said about that..

At the time, the bruises I sustained weren’t very visible. I mean, it was 11 at night. And I wasn’t bleeding, but I was harmed. And he had his girlfriend there, Erica, to corroborate his story. I guess he had some scratch on his face, and they associated that with me attacking him. My version against his and hers.

But her injuries were visible days after that..

May Seng Yang Terrence Howard ex girlfriend injuries pics

May Seng Yang Terrence Howard ex girlfriend picMay Seng Yang Terrence Howard ex girlfriend injuries picMay Seng Yang Terrence Howard ex girlfriend injuries picture

May said she met Howard a decade ago when she was picking up some pizzas at the restaurant he was eating with his children, they began to talk, one thing lead to another and next thing they dated on-and-off for 11 to 12 years.

4o-year-old May Seng Yang has been working as creative director at My 60 Seconds LLC  since 2001, she resides in Plymouth Meeting, PA.