Albert Wong 7 facts about Yountville Gunman

Albert Wong


Albert Wong has been identified as the gunman who killed at least three people at a large veteran’s home in California on Friday.

Reports say Wong took the victims hostage and shot them at some point while also taking his own life. Wong, a veteran himself –began his attack while workers were having a going-away party on Friday morning. He let several go but kept a group of people inside a building on the massive campus in Napa Valley region.

It took several hours for police to get to Albert Wong and stop the standoff but when they entered the facility, the found the gunman, two executives and a psychologist dead. It’s unclear when they were killed.

Albert Wong was a former patient at The Pathway Home –the nation’s largest veteran’s home in northern California. The 36-year-old served in the Army and was being treated from post-traumatic stress disorder in order to readjust to civilian life.

Reports say, just days before the shooting he had been kicked out of the program for reasons that are not yet clear. All of his victims were women and have been identified as Christine Loeber, Jennifer Golick and Jennifer Gonzales –all of them workers at The Pathway Home.

It is not known if he picked them randomly of for personal reasons. Did they have something to do with his departure from the veteran home just two weeks prior to the shooting? Learn below seven facts about Albert Wong:

Albert Wong

#1. Wong served in Afghanistan from 2011 to 2012. He was previously stationed at the Schofield Barracks in Hawaii.

#2 He was a recipient of numerous service awards, including one for expert marksmanship with a rifle.

#3 He was also a licensed private investigator, firearms trainer and security guard.

#4 He had two firearms licenses, although one expired in 2010, and the second was valid until October 2017.

#5 He was equipped with a rifle on Friday when he slipped into the Pathway Home in a rental car.

#6 It took police eight-hours to find the bodies of the victims inside the 600-acre veterans home.

#7 The L.A Time reports Wong, served a total of three years of active service in the U.S. Army until August 2013.